Welcome to Leash and Explore, the ultimate destination for guardians of reactive dogs seeking to embark on memorable adventures.
We're Ellie and Hannah, and together we're dedicated to empowering fellow dog lovers to explore the world with their unconventional furry friends. We're giving you the tools and real life recommendations and reviews of safe places you can take your reactive pooch. Many of you already know Hannah. Han is the proud founder of MacDaddyIllustration, creating personalised illustrations of your pooches over on Instagram and her website. She's just launched a book 'Everything will be okay!' and merch line too!
Our story started in 2021 when we welcomed Mac, our very complicated rescue dog into our lives. We rescued Mac (Formerly Taz), a 7 year old Beagle x Whippet from the RSPCA in Newport, Wales, UK. Mac was reactive to people, dogs, livestock, bikes and small animals to grappling with separation anxiety, travel sickness, and noise phobia. But despite all that, we love him to bits.
Despite Mac's challenges and his big feelings about the world, Han and I promised that we would do our very best by him, and to try and give him the very best experiences we could. From weekends away, to week long breaks with family, walks and adventures close to home, and hikes at the beach - we took Mac to as many safe and quiet places as we could so that he could build happy, positive memories and experiences.
In October 2023, Mac died. After a brief but rapid decline with Canine Cognitive Decline, we had to say goodbye to our complicated boy who we love so so much. Mac's death left a huge void in our hearts, and really - we've only just started to recover from the heartbreak of losing our best friend.
But, in the months following Mac's death, Han and I spent so much time reminiscing on all the happy memories, and the not so happy memories - which ignited a newfound purpose—to honor Mac's legacy by making sure that anyone can find support and guidance for their reactive dog - as it's exactly what we needed when we adopted Mac.
We also welcomed our first foster dog into our home in February 2024. Erika, a Spanish Galgo and former hunting dog, was used for hunting in Seville for two years, and then spent two years in a large rescue centre, recovering from leishmaniasis. While Erika's reactivity may not mirror Mac's, her journey towards acclimatisation and confidence echoes the challenges we once faced. The lessons Mac has taught us have allowed us to help another dog, and our hope is that through Leash and Explore, we will be able to help even more dogs and guardians to make memories that will last a lifetime.
And so, Leash and Explore was born! A platform dedicated to providing resources, insights, and camaraderie to those embarking on adventures with reactive dogs.
Our blog serves as platform where you can share experiences, triumphs and recommendations. Our commitment extends beyond mere recommendations; we're here to offer support, guidance, and solidarity every step of the way. Whether you're embarking on a weekend retreat, week away or a local walk, we're on hand to help you build amazing memories and positive experiences.
From secluded hiking trails to tranquil hideaways, you'll find reactive dog-friendly destinations tailored to accommodate the unique needs and preferences of reactive, anxious and nervous dogs. Each recommendation and review is meticulously curated, bearing in mind the importance of safety, comfort, and accessibility.
So, now that's all done with - welcome to the adventure club
Ellie & Han 🐾